Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/2/10 Blog


by Tres Prier Hatch



By Tres Prier Hatch

The boy stood poised to cross the street, straddling his scooter between his knees. Cheeks pink on perfect skin. His face bore the fresh push of childhood quickly advancing into adolescence. As my van engine idled I noticed his elongated limbs and neck were not quite solid yet, as if recently sprung from a soft chrysalis. At that instant I realized he had not seasons in this state, but maybe a day; a dot on the calendar of his life—perhaps seconds. It was fleeting, this “tween” state of boy and young man. Literally, he would change and become something different than the youth his parents knew.

How precious is time? The connection was clear to me at that instant. Like the boy, I am subtly changing; every hour of every day. My life is advancing as an unstoppable mill. TIME is the gift and TIME is fleeting. How dear is my opportunity to live life at the frequency most satisfying? Is there even one day to waste in the tar pit of dissatisfaction? My intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and yes, physical development happens well (or not as well) based on how I use the moments of today. The battle with my weight was a decades-long, exhausting fight. It drew away precious energy otherwise used in the pursuit of an enriched life. To jettison the shackles of that one-sided war was paramount to moving on and finding myself, the person I was born and designed to be—the ideal version me, in all categories. Am I ideal? Not really. But do I still contend with myself by eating compulsively and grappling with a fun-house mirror illusion of “health management?” Not anymore.

This empowering concept is the reason I share and lecture and write about weight loss, or more accurately, weight management: Change our thinking and we change our behaviors. To change our behaviors by changing our thought patterns is the most powerful use of agency any of us can wield. The mind and body are connected. The soul and body are inherently tied together. Strip away the fat suit and we reveal our true profiles; we disclose who we are.

I don’t have years to spare feeling self-conscious, and self-loathing. In fact, the less “self” I dwell on, the more joy I have. So, to get over myself already, and become an excellent steward of my body I begin by becoming “teachable.” I call it “Get the Click,” which happens to be the title of the first chapter in my book: Miracle Pill 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy (www.miraclepilltruths.com). Paradigms change when we are teachable because humility and openness of heart sows fertile ground for recognizing truth and wisdom.

We are all designed perfectly with everything we need inside us to manage our bodies well. Nothing is missing. Nothing is broken. All the messages we need to be in perfect harmony with our bodies (and therefore generate a fast metabolism) are built right in to our little noggins. Let us honor our incredible machines by giving our bodies what they need when the need it, in the proportion they need. Keep listening to re-activate prompts that may have been de-activated. Let us be teachable, let us hear our bodies “talk” to us and tell us what they need. Listen. We only have today, with no promise of tomorrow. Sorry to burst the bubble of a safely monotonous existence, but it is true. Discover today’s purpose, the essence of the phrase: carpe diem. Seize today because it is oh, so short and we can enjoy it more when we live in harmony with ourselves.

Tres Hatch is the author of: Miracle Pill 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy.
