Pretty simply, the Rule of Halves involves two days of taking
half of what you normally take and adding more as needed. The purpose is NOT to cut calories, but
rather to reveal where you anticipate needing more than you actually do. Don’t hesitate to add more food if half a
portion is insufficient. During my
experience I immediately learned I needed HALF of the portion of cereal I was
usually eating. In fact, I felt
completely full with half my regular portion.
It allowed me to default to an amount that better suits my body and
allows me to feel balanced (instead of bloated).
Were there other areas where I regularly defaulted to too
much? You bet. I learned the pasta portion at the Olive Garden
is too much but the pasta portion in a frozen entrée is too little. I realized two pieces of toast with breakfast
is twice as much as I needed. Just
because there are two bread slots in my toaster should it dictate how much
toast I require? That my toaster was
dictating my food choice was looney—but there you have it. In fact, is there anything on earth besides
my body that can tell me how much food I need?
No calorie chart, FDA recommendation, nutritional panel, book,
restaurant portion, diet, or other EXTERNAL cue can tell me what I need today. Only my body can do that. I trust it.
I lost 110-pounds, and I live free of weight issues because my body will always tell me
what I need to be in perfect balance.
Sure, we can learn to leave on our plates any amount we don’t need, but I
tended to clean my plate because, like Mount Everest, it was there. Are you pickin' up what I'm layin' down?
Try the rule of halves for two days. Keep a journal of your discoveries and note
your predictions of portions, both correct, and incorrect. Please shoot me your responses with your
discoveries. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Tres Hatch is the author of Miracle Pill 10 Truths to Healthy,
Thin, & Sexy