Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tomorrow I will appear on KUTV2 News at 6:50 A.M. and 7:20 A.M. to discuss my book and demonstrate a recipe. I will need to talk and cook at the same time? Are you kidding? This should be interesting. Gonna try real hard not to look like a dork. The good news is I am preparing the Zucchini-Walnut Brownie recipe with a melted chocolate ganache. When all else fails, employ the powers of chocolate. Even without "smellavision" the hypnotic effects of shiny, molten chocolate should lull the senses enough to cope with the fact that I will be trying very hard to make sense.

So, up at 4:00, leave the house by 5:00, there at 6:00, and home again by 8:00. By some great stroke of good fortune, I also have a lecture that morning with a weight loss group. This is good because my hair and makeup will already be done, which, as all women know, is the hard part.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Since the launch of this book I have gradually grasped how differently each person resonates with the "truths." Feedback from readers, I have learned, is an unexpected, and terribly satisfying gift. One person spoke to me of the power of "just worrying about today." He no longer belabors the excesses of yesterday and he doesn't feel overwhelmed with thoughts of endless exercise tomorrow. Instead, he just treats himself kindly today. Another friend shared how gratitude now permeates her self-image and she has subsequently lost 5 pounds from feeling positive about her body. Another reader felt strongly that the idea of creating long-lasting habits that can be continued until he is 80 years old, was key to his successful weight loss.

As I do book signings and meet with groups to talk about the book, I look forward to hearing about each person's journey. It is rewarding to feel like my sharing has been a benefit to others.