Thursday, March 31, 2011

My daughter's Freedom Essay

New Threats to Freedom Scholarship Essay
By Kelsey Hatch

In response to the video, “Goodwin: The freedom to fail”, I wish to expound upon the idea that the loss of the freedom to fail destroys the pursuit of happiness. Not only do I wish to confirm this posit, I also want to demonstrate how the loss of the freedom to fail, ultimately results in the destruction of the American Democracy, the American dream and America’s purpose, in this world.

The Constitution guarantees the American people the right to the pursuit of happiness. As stated in the dictionary, the denotation of pursuit is, “an effort to secure or attain; quest.” So, in essence, the American people are guaranteed the right to a quest or an effort to secure their happiness.

It is common knowledge that in any pursuit, there must be failure and success. Only through mistakes can a person learn how to succeed. So if a person has freedom to make mistakes, or fail, then they have the freedom to succeed and vice versa. Also it is universally accepted that people feel happy or proud of themselves when they succeed or fulfill a goal. This reaction to success is human nature. Success is a fundamental factor in obtaining happiness.

The right to the pursuit of happiness is one of the cornerstones of the Constitution. It is also one of the key elements of the American Dream. The American government and culture were originally built to house the right to the pursuit of happiness. Because of our democratic government, the people have the opportunity to pursue whatever success they wish. True, that it does not guarantee happiness, but it guarantees the pursuit of happiness. I acknowledge that not all pursuits for happiness will be successful. There are outside factors playing into the efficiency of democracy and capitalism. Also, through the progression of time and the evolution of democracy, the American dream and capitalism is influenced. It does not change, but it takes on other meanings and connotations as the people grow in experience and knowledge. When boiled down to the bare minimum, the loss of the freedom to fail results in the loss of the freedom to pursue. The loss of the freedom to pursue results in the loss of the freedom to succeed. When the freedom to succeed is destroyed the entire purpose of the American democracy and the Constitution becomes meaningless, as the privileges guaranteed through these rights fall out of existence.

The loss of the freedom to fail does not affect only one constitutional right, or one group of American citizens. Rather, it affects the American democracy and the Constitution as a whole.

The freedom to fail must be protected. For without it, America’s purpose to its people and their happiness is essentially lost.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Kels! And Bravo to you, Tres, for teaching such a great young lady :)
